Weekend Pattering for January 2nd, 2016-- Panel Patter's Guide to 2015

Before we march into looking at the comics of 2016, let's spend a bit of time looking back at 2015.  Our favorite comics of 2015 lists will be hitting the website beginning next week but for your weekend reading, here's what 2015 looked like here at Panel Patter.  This isn't a complete view of the year but it is a pretty good wrapup of all of our critical writing here.  To see everything, you can always check out our archives located in the sidebar to your right.

And just a quick THANK YOU! to all of the contributors to Panel Patter this year.  While we were never a daily site, everyone did a lot of great writing here that really spent time looking at the wide range of comics beyond the Marvel and DC landscape.  

And thank you to the readers, the creators, the publishers, convention organizers, Kickstarters and Patreon campaigners and the other wonderful comic websites that are all out there.  Your work, your support, and your inspirations has been what's kept us going week after week.  

And thank you to Marvel and your 1981 calendar.  Without it, I would not have known what day of the week it was this year.  This was the greatest gift of all.

January 2015:

February 2015:

March 2015

April 2015

May 2015

June 2015

July 2015

August 2015

September 2015

December 2015