Former Patter-ers

Scott Cederlund is a recovering English literature major, spending the past 10 years writing about comics. Currently he has teamed up with another former Patterer, Mike, to form a new review site: From Cover to Cover. He's written for, and, trying to figure out this game we call comic books.  Truthfully, he just doesn't know what to do with his time other than writing about comics.  It's a sickness. Scott is a part of Newsarama's Best Shots team and has contributed to Sequart's book The Mignolaverse: Hellboy and the Comics Art of Mike Mignola

Mike Baxter is now writing at From Cover to Cover with Scott Cederlund.

AJ McGuire lives in the Boston area where he dedicates his free time to publishing fanzines (Succour Fanzine & Gratitude Fanzine) and writing about comics online ( &

Douglas Peach soon learned that your Earth's yellow sun gave him horrible, cooked-meat smelling sunburns and he doesn't like that.  So instead he spends a lot of time indoors reading comics, novels, playing what his family refers to as "crazy man shoot man" on Xbox, changing diapers, and working as a research assistant for the local university.  He's also a professional photographer, an unpublished writer unsuccessful at finding an artist so far, and the father of three lovable little girls who are destined to destroy Tokyo with mind-control death rays.
He tells people he was born in Kentucky, but who's born in Kentucky?
Answer: Nobody.
If you see him, check for gills.​  And tentacles.

Sarah M. is mostly retired from blogging, but has a fondness for bad horror movies and good comics. Once in awhile, she'd share thoughts here.

K.M. Szpara lives in Baltimore, Maryland with a guard-poodle named Marley. When he's not daylighting as a Legal Secretary, Kelly writes queer, speculative fiction at the local coffee shop. Shimmer Magazine once paid him for the word 'cock,' amongst others. On Wednesdays, he wears pink.

Rob Kirby is a Minneapolis-based comics creator and critic, well-known for his work editing various anthologies like the Boy Trouble series, Tablegeddon, Pratfall, and the Ignatz award-winning QU33R. Rob has received the Xeric Grant and the Prism Queer Press Grant. He writes for The Comics Journal, here at Panel Patter, Festival Season, and of course his own website.

Maia Kobabe attends California College of the Arts in San Francisco, where she is working towards her MFA in Comics, as part of the college's first class for that major, and is scheduled to graduate in 2015. Maia is interested in everything to do with books- reading them, writing them, illustrating them, hand binding, self-publishing, book reviews, shelving books, etc. She's worked in libraries for the past 10 years because "I love being around books." Maia has an undergraduate degree from Dominican University of California, a BFA in Studio Art and a minor in Art History. She is currently (slowly) writing and illustrating an all ages medieval fantasy adventure comic called "The Thief's Tale" which started as a webcomic and has turned into her Master's Thesis. You can read the first two chapters online here:

Erica Satifka is a science fiction writer with credits that include Clarkesworld, Daily Science Fiction, and more. She doesn't read as many comics as Rob (not many people do!), but jumps in when one catches her eye and deserves a review. You can find her on the web primarily at her own site, where she talks about everything from biking to reviewing short fiction.

Whit Taylor is a Boston-based Ignatz-nominated cartoonist and indie comics critic. When she's not working in health education during the day, she enjoys making, reading, and writing about mini comics. Her work can be found on her Tumblr.

Guy Thomas is a time traveling space alien rock star from the future. He’s currently hiding out in Milwaukee, Wi, where he attends university in pursuit of a film degree and a whole lot of debt. He may seem kind of shy, but ask him about comics, David Bowie, or Studio Ghibli and he just won’t shut up. You can check out his blog at and his artwork at

Sean Cohea
Senior Editor

Sean (he/him) has been writing for Panel Patter since mid-2018 and hasn’t looked back. As a child he grew up in central California reading comic strips before school everyday in the local newspaper. As a teen he found the Eastman and Laird Ninja Turtles Mirage line before things tapered off and out of existence for about a decade and a half until the 2010s. Jeff Lemire was the specific creator needed to lure Sean back to comic book adoration. Now he spends time writing and reviewing comics whenever possible while simultaneously juggling personal responsibilities as a husband and father. His favorite comics are horror, weird, sci-fi, or any comic where the artwork is mind-blowing or that simply go “thwip thwip”. Nine times out of ten you will see him holding a book. Look for his tweets at @argyleeater and his occasional art on instagram at @seancoheart.

Rachel Lapidow
Contributing Editor

Rachel (she/her) is a freelance copyeditor, proofreader, and developmental editor of RPGs, comics, manga, board games, and newspapers. She would like to think that she's funny, but is perhaps better known for being easily startled. Her favorite comics are those that are funny, cute, thoughtful, and a bit odd. She keeps buying books, despite being out of bookshelf space. Follow her on Twitter at @Editrix_Rachel.

Kelli Ewing
Contributing Editor

Kelli is often found curled up in bed reading books by flashlight. Why a flashlight? Who knows? Perhaps it’s a hangover from being a kid that she never gave up. In addition to reading, Kelli likes to spend her time sketching and watching wuxia and xianxia dramas. Her favourite pastime is staring off into space. Her IG handle is: @kellic.ewing.