Halloween Horror/Digging into Digital: Comixology Submit Scary 50% Off Sale

Pictures of ghosts and goblins and horrors so menacing only comics could contain them will haunt you all month long with our annual Halloween Horror feature. Join us as we try to scare you with posts relating to our favorite comics designed to put a chill up your spine or scratch that itch you get whenever someone mentions Boris Karloff! We'll be at this all month with a variety of posts. You can find them all--along with entries from past years--at this link. But don't blame us if you can't sleep after reading them....

The fiends at Comixology are getting into the Halloween spirit, with a weekend sale on their Submit line, which is where you'll find a lot of the kinds of comics Panel Patter likes to feature the best.

Up until Monday, October 26th at 11:59pm EST (so convert depending on where you live), Comixology will give you 50% off select horror comics.

Here's just a sampling of comics that we at Panel Patter would suggest you consider:

  • Anthologist extraordinaire Spike Trotman's Sleep of Reason is just $9.99 with the half-off sale, and that's 370 pages of carefully curated indie horror goodness. If you're getting just one thing from the sale, make it this one.
  • Once upon a time I didn't quite understand the value of money, so I bought Doc Frankstein at my local comic book store when it arrived. It wasn't that it was bad, it was that I had this silly idea that they'd actually finish the story of this monster-as-hero against religious zealots, if memory serves. So why put it here? Well, it is the Wachowski brothers doing what they do best, and if you are okay with never getting closure, I remember them being kinda fun. For a few bucks, you can see how good my recall it.
  • Before she was an Eisner-nominated anthology editor, Rachel Deering had started a miniseries about a reluctant lesbian werewolf who must try to save her lover, Anathema, working with a variety of creators, including Chris Mooneyhan and Wesley St. Claire. It's a fun romp by a person with a strong understanding of comic book horror.
  • Panel Pal Aaron Duran, along with James Sinclair and Jennifer Alvin, wrote a short series called La Brujeria, featuring a young woman who finds working at a pawn shop is far more than she's anticipated. This is a good pick for folks looking for characters of color who are treated as real people, not props.
  • If you missed out on the series of kickstarters for Nentl of the Forgotten Spirits, written by Vera Greentea with art by Laura Muller, is available as well. This series features on the Day of the Dead rather than on Eurocentric horror
  • Another webcomic/Kickstarter project, Kel McDonald's Sorcery 101, also has several single issues available in the sale. This is Kel's longest-running series, with a tag line of "Learning Sorcery from  an Angsty Vampire," it's a great fit for urban fantasy fans, if you haven't checked it out yet.

If you'd like to stock up before the 31st on horror comics, best do it fast--this sale ends Monday at 11:59pm EST, and then it becomes a ghost, and not a cool one like Deadman, either.