This year, the Panel Patter team is proud to shine the spotlight on some of those creators by featuring a series of reviews of their work. Starting tomorrow and running until September 9th, this blog will be highlighting comics both old and new from people and publishers who will be at the show.
Some will be long-time Panel Patter favorites, such as Joey Weiser and Sara Lindo, both of whom will have new books available at the show. Others are people who I've been more recently introduced to or have been meaning to read, such as Max Ink and Andrew Cohen. We'll still be doing other posts along the way, but the focus is on people you will be able to meet at the show, along with my usual show previews.
If you're a creator who is going to be at the Small Press Expo and have an interest in being spotlighted, please get in touch (! I'd love to help spread the word and increase the number of cool creators I'm looking forward to seeing that weekend.
The Small Press Expo will be held at the Marriott Convention Center in Bethesda, MD on September 10th and 11th, 2011. Don't miss it! And don't miss these great folks who are in the Panel Patter Spotlight!