This Looks Cool: Alice Ever After debuts at BOOM!

I have a hunch I’m gonna eat this series up. Alice in Wonderland is one of the more lasting classics from books read as a child. The mysteriousness of the story and the quirkiness of its characters contribute to its lasting effect it’s had on my taste in narrative. 

Alice Ever After doesn’t seem to be in the same vein as the Disney animated adaptation that was on heavy rotation in my childhood household, and neither does it sound reminiscent of its rebooted live-action. Instead, this series is going to tell the next chapter in Alice’s life an adult ..and as she teeters on the brink of breakdown and addiction in the streets of Victorian London. This series will ponder the question: is her obsession with Wonderland a true safe harbor and reprieve from a troubled life, or is this her one way quick ticket to the asylum?

This series is dripping with reasons why I know I’m already going to love this book. I have little to know of this creative team, but solicits and advance peaks are reason enough for me to jump down the rabbit hole.

As the BOOM! Studios solicit states:

“..a darkly surreal tale of an adult Alice as she struggles with a choice between facing her trauma in the real world, or escaping to Wonderland… for good.”

“If one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small—consider this book an alternative pill that puts a twisted smile on your pretty little face. Enjoy responsibly,” said Panosian.

“Dan is one of my favorite authors! I’m really glad to contribute to his version of Alice, and with Fabiana’s colours on our Wonderland, this series will be unforgettable.” said Spalleta. “Put on some Jefferson Airplane, and follow us into ALICE EVER AFTER ‘cause we’re already deep down the rabbit hole!”
Alice Ever After debuts April 6th and continues monthly through five issues. Final order cutoff for issue one is Monday, March 14.

Alice Ever After #1
By Dan Panosian, Giorgio Spalletta & Fabiana Mascolo
Published by BOOM!