This Looks Cool: Dark Horse's Count Crowley Returns in 2022

Welcome to a new feature we're trying out here at Panel Patter, "This Looks Cool!" It's a chance for us to highlight an upcoming series we think Panel Patter readers might be interested in checking out and putting on their advanced pull lists. 


A few years ago, Dark Horse published a cool quirky series called Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter that I really liked. The premise (a reporter gets dumped into a dead-end position hosting the late-night movies in a cheesy getup only to find the gig requires actual monster hunting) was fun. Sure, we don't really have late-night movie hosts anymore (hell, do they even do the intros on Turner Classic Movies anymore?), but I loved the concept and the creative team's love for the old horror hosts. This was a series not unlike the comic versions of the Ash vs the Evil Dead, which Dynamite periodically puts out. The lead character is snarky and sarcastic but has to beat incredible odds to save the day. Comics that are just plain fun, which as long-time readers know are my favorite kind of comics.

Now Jerri is back, and far more enthusiastic about her new role! It's a sequel series I wasn't expecting to see, if I'm being honest, but I'm really happy about it. Here's the PR for the premise:

It’s been a hell of a week for Jerri Bartman. She lost her job, crashed her car, took the only gig available hosting the midnight monster show, and…oh yeah—dismembered a zombie. No big deal. Now, to protect the people she loves, she’s going to have to take a crash course in monster hunting. And quickly—a vengeful vampire just booked a first-class flight into town.

Now this is the funny part for me: Apparently, the author, David Dastmalchian, was a big part of the Suicide Squad and Dune films that registered with audiences in a lackluster box office returns year. I had absolutely no idea--I just liked the first book!

Hot off of two of the biggest films of the year The Suicide Squad and Dune, David Dastmalchian returns to his hit comic series with a brand-new storyline to continue Jerri Bartman’s harrowing journey into the unknown!

I really like that the original creative team returned on this one. Sometimes on a sequel series for whatever reason, the art team has to switch. It not just provides consistency, but it helps reinforce the storytelling, as the original artist's ideas get to carry over. In this case, I dig how Ketner's lines feel like a slightly softer Warren publication house style, if it were colorized instead of greyscale. I can also see some touches of Eric Powell, too, especially in how the characters emote. The color work of Affe doesn't overpower the lines, either, and is somewhat muted overall without being a muddy brown.

After facing off with a werewolf and the Frankenstein's Monster in volume one, I can't wait to see how Jerri fares against a vampire, who I bet brings some backup along the way in terms of classic creatures. This is a love-letter to horror fans like me--and a lot of our readers.

You can pre-order Count Crowley: Amateur Midnight Monster Hunter #1 now. You'll see it in your pullbox or digital device on March 23, 2022.