Jack McGinnis: American Badass - Analog # 5

Where does a tweet go when it is deleted?

Do deleted emails get forgotten?

Can I access a photo from my phone once it’s already gone?

How far will a fascist government go to uncover where you've been?

Gerry Duggan and David O'Sullivan bring you Analog, a story of when the internet crashes and causes all secrets to be exposed. A life online is one that is lived in complete transparency. To become free one must unplug, live life in the Analog, and paper push your way through existence. The popular phrasing "don't tread on me" takes on new context with sharp wit, hard punches (really hard punches), and take-no-prisoners blood and guts. Everything you'd expect from a satirical take on a future seemingly not too far off.

To get caught up with the plot, and without giving away too many of its spoilers, it must be told that our lead character, Jack McGinnis, is a Ledger Man with a keen eye for trouble and quick wit that somehow manages to be his greatest weapon. These Ledger Men are couriers used to transport tangible artifacts (simply put: secrets needing to remain in the Analog) that are required to get from point A to point B. This very basic premise gone awry is simple when you involve the disparaged smartass protagonist, Jack, with the Russians, the Japanese, some native Nazi’s, and the undocumented underground.

Analog #6, out this week, manages to bring everything to a cluster of a conclusion. For every sought after enemy Jack manages to shrug off, there happens to be three additional nuanced acquaintances he finds himself up against. These pages turn themselves, folks. The art, the story, the characters, the action, all of it makes for this book to be capable of a very long and entertaining run.

(..and you'll find yourself quoting McGinnis-ism's long after you turn the last page.)

Writer Gerry Duggan and illustrator David O’Sullivan have collaborated to create a story so intimate, and yet so large, that it feels painfully personal. The foundational elements are written so closely knit to modern events that this story can only be assumed to be closer than we hope. Duggan created the lead character, Jack, to be an egomaniacal badass with a soft side only reserved for his still underdeveloped love life that is captured perfectly by the hard lines drawn by O’Sullivan. There is never a dull moment in the early stages of this ongoing series as we travel through the daily life of our favorite Ledger Man, Jack.

Nothing can be more an assumed catalyst than a forced feeling of transparency and vulnerability. Imagining a life being lived in the Analog after having experienced one with the benefits and ease in the Digital can induce a panic attack in the mind in it's purest form.

There hasn't been a character in comics this fun since (dare I say) Spider Jerusalem walked the streets of The City in Transmetropolitan. Jack McGinnis may be doing the same for modern social commentary that Spider J did for Y2K transitional perspectives in journalism.

"I promise to do a better job killing you this time." -Jack McG

The tone here is a dark comedy crime-noir pre-apocalyptic sci-fi love story. The sharp lines, the witty tone, the violence that goes well beyond the expected boundary. Everything, all of it, give this book a chance. Jack McG is a badass to be reckoned with.