It's been a while since I've posted anything to Panel Patter. The last thing I shared was my favorite comics of 2023. And I miss it! Life's just been really busy and stressful on a consistent basis, and there hasn't been much time to write about comics. But just like Rob our fearless leader, I'm also going to try to start getting back into the swing of things. I'll start by highlighting some comics I'm excited to read, and hopefully start writing more in-depth reviews when I have a chance.
Anyway, here are some comics I'm excited about this week:

I only read this book recently, but it made such a strong impression that I thought it had to be on my list. Little Bird is a dark story, but one that has some hope in it, even through some very hard times. This is the story of a futuristic United States, that is now a total Christian theocracy and also controls Canada and Mexico, such that it is now the United Nations of America. And it's a dark, scary, horrifying place. Any resistance is met with ultimate punishment, and many humans that have evolved or mutated live on the margins of society. There are robot/cyborg beings, but they're pretty terrifying. It's a story about the autocratic leader, and his connection to one of the rebel leaders and her daughter (the titular "Little Bird"). It's a story about holding out hope of independence in the face of oppression. And it's also a remarkably illustrated book, courtesy of the talented Ian Bertram. Bertram has a fantastic style all his own, but stylistically he is in the Geoff Darrow/Frank Quitely/Chris Burnham school of art, which is excellent company to be in. He's certainly a talented visual storyteller, but the art itself is just striking. Bertram puts a remarkable amount of painstaking detail on every page. His action is dynamic and so intense, and the book is brutal and visceral (like, literally, there are viscera all over the place sometimes). And there are some other just generally horrifying images in the story, which is not for the faint of heart. But if you're looking for a story of hope in a very dark place, I'd strongly recommend Little Bird.

I have REALLY been enjoying the Skybound Energon Universe comics so far. Transformers has been delightful, as has Void Rivals. And the G.I. Joe side of things has been pretty great as well. Duke and Cobra Commander have both been really fun reads, and I enjoy the way that each book is its own thing but it is clearly building up to something big and exciting. Anyway, I'm thrilled to see Kelly Thompson join the fun. Thompson is one of my favorite comic writers - she's got great ideas and a terrific sense of humor, and a real knack for telling big stories that don't lose sight of the humanity. You need that skill, in a world of giant robots and villains seeking world domination. And while I'm not too familiar with artist Marco Ferrari, what I've seen of his work looks really fun and dynamic.