The Great Paper Girls Re-Read - Follow Along with #PaperPatter

I have been reflecting on Paper Girls recently, and I’ve decided that I think the series just might be my favorite comic of all time. 

But why bore you with details here when I can re-read an issue a day to break down everything I love about the book. 

Today, July 31, marks the one year anniversary of the conclusion of the series. Starting Monday, I’ll read an issue everyday day and provide a few tweets highlighting my takeaways. I’ll only read on weekdays, so we’ll have five issues, or one trade, each week. The project as a whole will take six weeks, and will wrap up mid-September unless something weird happens.

I’d love to make this a group discussion, so I’ll be tagging each tweet with #PaperPatter. Each weekend, I’ll compile the best of that hashtag into a post to archive where at Panel Patter. You can locate me on Twitter @triggercut_ .

Hope to see you reading along!