We are pleased to introduce to you our newest member of the Panel Patter team, Jordan Stillman!
Jordan, tell us a little about yourself!
Jordan Stillman is a Boston-based writer, editor, community manager, and comics enthusiast. She's a co-organizer of the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo and a founding member of the Robot Camp comics collective. She enjoys hot cups of tea, cats, and singing loudly. You can find more of her work online at her website.
MICE is a great show that I really wish I could have attended when I lived on the East Coast. James, however, has gone multiple times and highly recommends it. (Here's James giving a preview of the 2017 show.)
We are so very happy to have her with us, and hope you'll give her a warm welcome to the site when her first post debuts a little bit after this one.
Thanks for being a part of the Panel Patter Team, Jordan! I can't wait to see what you write about in the months to come!
(And if you're interested in joining us as we spread the love of comics, please stop by here for more information on how to do so!)