Rob's Picks:
Action Comics 1000 by Just About Everyone, Published by DC Comics
Do I even need to explain why this is a comic that even those of us who don't follow the main superhero books on the same day they come out should be interested in? Superman is one of the most iconic figures in all of comics, and now Brian Michael Bendis, love him or hate him, is going to start writing his adventures. This is one to watch, and despite the fact that I tend to avoid single issues in print, I'm planning to pick up a copy. You should, too, if only to see what's going on first hand, not through the infinite commentary we're about to see. (Including this site, because yeah, this is a biggie.)
Godhead by Ho Che Anderson, Published by Fantagraphics
This one has been out in bookstores for a bit (I think), but it's showing in this week's solicits for comic stores, so I wanted to shout it out. Anderson first came to my attention by his amazing comics on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and from the preview pages Fanta had to offer, he's only gotten better: I see a slightly more stylized work on the figures, as they blend in a bit more closely to their backgrounds, but in a way that makes the pages really pop. I need to get a hold of this one, which features a corporation finding a way to supposedly talk to God. That always ends well, right?
Wasted Space #1 by Michael Moreci, Hayden Sherman, and Jim Campbell, Published by Vault Comics
Panel Pal Mike Moreci's latest comic is a sci-fi comedy that Vault is calling "Philip K. Dick in a blender with Preacher" and that's somewhat disturbing and intriguing at the same time. I don't know anything about this one beyond the premise and some art, but it's going to be fun to see Mike's sense of humor shine through after doing a lot of serious comics like Roche Limit, and Sherman's linework looks like it has a loose feel that could be a lot of fun. I'm in for an arc, at least, to see what Mike has planned,and if nothing else, Vault books are GORGEOUS. (More on this in a later post, which I've said twice now in one column. Sorry folks, but it's true!)
James' Picks:
The Black Monday Murders Vol. 2 by Jonathan Hickman, Tomm Coker, Michael Garland and Rus Wooton, published by Image Comics.
This book doesn't come out that often but when it does it's a spectacular, intelligent, weird, dark read. There's a hidden tie between dark magic and finance, and ythis book explores the secret halls of real power in the world. It's a fantastic, engaging read. I still don't 100% understand what's going on, but I love trying to figure it out.
Ninja-K Vol. 1 by Christos Gage, Tomas Giorello and Diego Rodriguez, published by Valiant Entertainment.
This book has been a terrific surprise. I've been up and down on this character since I started reading Valiant books a few years ago. Then this book came along and really hooked me. It's got a very creative premise that blows open the whole mythology behind Ninjak and leaves room to tell a ton of fascinating stories. All of a sudden it feels like they've just scratched the srface of telling stories relating to Ninjak, or other related people. This was a eally fun arc and I totally recommend it even if you don't know much about the character.
Action Comics #1000 by Everyone, published by DC Comics.
I really don't need to say too much about why this is a big deal, right? They've been publishing Action Comics since 1938 when Superman was first created, and this is it, the 1000th issue. A huge accomplishment. I've enjoyed the Superman books since DC Rebirth began, and everyone and their cousin seems to be involved in this issue, so I'm curious to see what's included (and very much curious to read Superman by Bendis). There's a zillion variant covers available but it was an easy choice for me - I picked this spectacular 1960's-style cover from Mike and Laura Allred.
Black Hammer: Age of Doom #1 by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston and Dave Stewart, published by Dark Horse Comics.
James' Picks:
This book doesn't come out that often but when it does it's a spectacular, intelligent, weird, dark read. There's a hidden tie between dark magic and finance, and ythis book explores the secret halls of real power in the world. It's a fantastic, engaging read. I still don't 100% understand what's going on, but I love trying to figure it out.
This book has been a terrific surprise. I've been up and down on this character since I started reading Valiant books a few years ago. Then this book came along and really hooked me. It's got a very creative premise that blows open the whole mythology behind Ninjak and leaves room to tell a ton of fascinating stories. All of a sudden it feels like they've just scratched the srface of telling stories relating to Ninjak, or other related people. This was a eally fun arc and I totally recommend it even if you don't know much about the character.
I really don't need to say too much about why this is a big deal, right? They've been publishing Action Comics since 1938 when Superman was first created, and this is it, the 1000th issue. A huge accomplishment. I've enjoyed the Superman books since DC Rebirth began, and everyone and their cousin seems to be involved in this issue, so I'm curious to see what's included (and very much curious to read Superman by Bendis). There's a zillion variant covers available but it was an easy choice for me - I picked this spectacular 1960's-style cover from Mike and Laura Allred.
I've been enjoying the miniseries that have expanded the Black Hammer universe, but I'm also quite glad that they are going to be returning to the main series. I've loved what Lemire and a team of terrific artists have done, playing with superhero archetypes in really interesting ways and creating a dark, fascinating look at loneliness and alienation intertwined with magic and weird science. Dean Ormston is a spectacular artist, with an exaggerated, weird, elongated style.
Mike's Picks:
Superman # 45 by Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, Stephen Downer, and Alejandro Sanchez, published by DC Comics
Look, I won’t lie. I think I’m getting a tad misty-eyed about this whole affair. Superman holds such a special place in my heart, and I’m not sure I’ve loved him as much as I have these past 44 issues. Tomasi and Gleason’s knack for father son relationships is nigh unbeatable. To hammer home the impact, Gleason is inking his own pencil work. I love Mick Gray’s inks over Pat’s pencils, but I think this decision reminds everyone the extent to which Tomasi and Gleason have poured themselves into the series. It’s theirs, and they’re leaving it all on the page. Cue the July solicits, and neither Tomasi nor Gleason have a new title yet . . .
Wasted Space # 1 by Michael Moreci, Hayden Sherman, and featuring a cover by Maugerite Sauvage, published by Vault Comics
For the better part of a decade, Image has been the standard bearer for sci-fi comics. In the past year, though, Vault Comics has emerged as a devastatingly well-equipped challenger. I’m incredibly excited for the self-loathing, drunken space prophets of Wasted Space. Bonus points also go to Vault for its forward-thinking policies, including their initiative to use female cover artists for upcoming books.
Infinity 8 #2 by Lewis Trondheim and Dominque Bertail, published by Lion Forge
Speaking of superb science fiction, Infinity 8 is a proving to be an edgy cool new sci-fi offering. Issue 1 was a healthy dose of bonkers, and the throwback feel to it made it seem both progressive and refreshing. I look for more of the same with issue two. Picture pulp filtered through a 21st century lens.
Dan Dare – The Earth Stealers HC, published by Titan Comics
In addition to publishing a new Dan Dare miniseries, Titan is also offering deluxe editions of original Dan Dare strips. This series is one we’re likely not incredibly familiar with in the states as it wouldn’t have stacked up well against the American creations of Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon. Nonetheless, these stories represent the bedrock of British comic book science fiction.
Mike's Picks:
Superman # 45 by Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, Stephen Downer, and Alejandro Sanchez, published by DC Comics
Look, I won’t lie. I think I’m getting a tad misty-eyed about this whole affair. Superman holds such a special place in my heart, and I’m not sure I’ve loved him as much as I have these past 44 issues. Tomasi and Gleason’s knack for father son relationships is nigh unbeatable. To hammer home the impact, Gleason is inking his own pencil work. I love Mick Gray’s inks over Pat’s pencils, but I think this decision reminds everyone the extent to which Tomasi and Gleason have poured themselves into the series. It’s theirs, and they’re leaving it all on the page. Cue the July solicits, and neither Tomasi nor Gleason have a new title yet . . .
Wasted Space # 1 by Michael Moreci, Hayden Sherman, and featuring a cover by Maugerite Sauvage, published by Vault Comics
For the better part of a decade, Image has been the standard bearer for sci-fi comics. In the past year, though, Vault Comics has emerged as a devastatingly well-equipped challenger. I’m incredibly excited for the self-loathing, drunken space prophets of Wasted Space. Bonus points also go to Vault for its forward-thinking policies, including their initiative to use female cover artists for upcoming books.
Infinity 8 #2 by Lewis Trondheim and Dominque Bertail, published by Lion Forge
Speaking of superb science fiction, Infinity 8 is a proving to be an edgy cool new sci-fi offering. Issue 1 was a healthy dose of bonkers, and the throwback feel to it made it seem both progressive and refreshing. I look for more of the same with issue two. Picture pulp filtered through a 21st century lens.
Dan Dare – The Earth Stealers HC, published by Titan Comics
In addition to publishing a new Dan Dare miniseries, Titan is also offering deluxe editions of original Dan Dare strips. This series is one we’re likely not incredibly familiar with in the states as it wouldn’t have stacked up well against the American creations of Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon. Nonetheless, these stories represent the bedrock of British comic book science fiction.