Catch It at the Comic Shop February 21, 2018

Welcome to Catch it at the Comic Shop, where the Panel Patter team looks at what's coming out at your favorite store or digital device this week. Each one of us that participates picks up to five items due out this week, with a little bit about why we like them. (NOTE: We use solicitation material for this, so if we miss creators, please talk to your publisher!) Sometimes we might only have a few items to share, other weeks, keeping it to five will make for hard choices. Here's what the team wanted to highlight this week...

Scott's Picks:

Hellboy And The BPRD 1955 Burning Season One Shot by Mike Mignola, Chris Roberson, Paulo Rivera, Joe Rivera & Dave Stewart, published by Dark Horse.
It took me a while to warm up to this series.  It's not quite Hellboy and it's not quite B.P.R.D. but it leans more toward the John Arcudi-penned B.P.R.D. series as it's more of a team book.  Roberson is getting his chance to really build this new cast, developing some characters that are as rich as any we've seen in the Mignolaverse.  The Rivera art team returns as well, sure to give this one-shot a wonderfully classic feel.

Future Quest Presents #7 by Phil Hester, Steve Rude and John Kalisz, published by DC Comics.
If you've ever wondered if as he's gotten older if Steve Rude has lost it, his run on Future Quest Presents proves that he hasn't.  As an acolyte of Alex Toth, Rude perfectly draws this comic as a Saturday morning cartoon.

Mighty Thor Vol 2 #704 by Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman and Matt Wilson, published by Marvel Comics. 
Have you seen this preview of this issue?  Is this the first time we've Dauterman's artwork in black and white?  It's incredible to see what's actually there on the page-- just see the energy on the page on that first page.  But it's also amazing to see what's missing when Matt Wilson's colors aren't there.  I think that just goes to show how much his candy-colored hues contribute to the feel of this series.

Mother Panic Vol 2 Under Her Skin by Jody Houser, John Paul Leon, Shawn Crystal, Dave Stewart and Jean-Francois Beaulieu, published by DC Comics.
Mother Panic has been the oddest of the Young Animal books, I think, and that's saying something when the line includes Doom Patrol and Shade, The Changing Girl.  Oh, and while you're picking this up, also grab the Cave Carson/Swamp Thing Milk War comic that's coming out this week even if it's just for Langdon Foss's stunning artwork.

James' Picks:

Dept. H #23 by Matt and Sharlene Kindt, published by Dark Horse Comics.
This is an intense read. A highly claustrophobic comic, it's both a tense murder mystery and also a deep psychological exploration of people rapped undersea, any one of whom could be a murderer. It's also an exploration of a near future world and the many strange creatures waiting for us under the ocean. I definitely recommend picking it up from the beginning. 

Lazarus Sourcebook Vol. 3: Vassalovka by Greg Rucka, Eric Trautmann, David Brothers, Robert Mackenzie, David Walker, Gareth-Michael Skarka, Neal Bailey, Michael Lark, Tristan Jones, Tyler Boss, and Santi Arcas, published by Image Comics.
I absolutely love these Lazarus sourcebooks. Greg Rucka and company have worked overtime to take on some incredibly detailed world building, and it all comes together here in these issues, which take an in-depth look at the various families in the futuristic world of Lazarus.  The first 2 have been incredibly informative and they really show what a well-thought out world this story truly is. A must-read for any fan of the series. And if you're not a fan of Lazarus you absolutely should be.  It's hands-down one of the very best comics of the last 10 years or so.