Comic Sales for Your Holiday Weekend

It's that time again! As we finish picking turkey out of our teeth, all of our favorite publishers are offering sales over Thanksgiving Weekend and into Cyber Monday. I took some time to collect them for you here, along with a few recommendations for each publisher.

We'll update this post if we find more.

In addition to these sales that you can participate in from your computer, cell phone, or tablet, there's also a good chance your local comic shop is also offering discounts over the weekend. Now's a great time to stop by, especially if you haven't been there lately.

Now, let's see what's going on, online. These are in alphabetical order, so make sure you scroll all the way down.

2000AD is running a half-off sale for awhile, but get to them quickly before they sell out! Best known as the place that publishes the British version of Judge Dredd, 2000AD (aka Rebellion) also collects other characters from their seminal weekly mag, many of which are on sale here, too.

Rob's Picks: Dan Dare is an interesting variant on the human space hero concept, and I liked it when I read the collection awhile ago. The Daily Dredds cover when the Law was appearing in the newspapers, too (can you imagine that today?) Defoe is the unlikely placement of zombies after the Great Fire and despite my general zombied-out feeling, I liked what I've read of this. (Can you spot a Pat Mills pattern here?)

Here's all the details you need for the 2000AD sale.

Drawn and Quarterly's 40% off sale is back, and it's a welcome sight. This Canadian publisher offers a wide range of books, from the strangeness of Michael DeForge to the satire of R Sikoryak. They also publish some manga, children's comics, and more. They're a very diverse publisher that takes full advantage of the help businesses like theirs can get from Canada. While we in the US can wish we had support for our arts, we don't have to wish to pick up great comics from D&Q.

Rob's Picks: Okay, keeping it to a few--which was very hard. Sikoryak's The Unquotable Trump is a must-purchase, as he shows off his skills as an homage artist while ripping the current US President a new one. (He also has Terms and Conditions, which is the actual Apple Terms and Conditions, illustrated in too many styles to list.) Sarah Glidden is one of the best at graphic nonfiction, and Rolling Blackouts is a great way to experience her craft at educating through visuals, not just text. Anything by DeForge is worth your time, and then there's the Aya series, which I need to re-read soon. Those would all top my list.

Here's all the details you need for the Drawn and Quarterly sale.

NOTE: CYBER MONDAY ONLY: Fantagraphics, like Drawn and Quarterly, often runs a sale around this time, and it's a Cyber Monday only one for them. They'll be offering 30% off most of their comics, but as of "press time" I don't have exact details. (I do know it can't be combined with other offers such as the 20/20 club, doesn't work on subscriptions or pre-orders, and will be limited on box sets.) One of the oldest indie publishers, Fanta does a lot of great work, and their Fall 2017 lineup is absolutely astounding, ranging from Chuck Forsman to Robert Reich in terms of variety. Most Panel Patter readers probably already have some Fantagraphics books in their lives, but it never hurts to get a few more.

Rob's Picks: There's plenty of older material, of course, but let's stick to 2017. There's the re-release of Forsman's The End of the Fucking World, one of my favorite comics (and soon to be hitting America's TVs via Netflix). He also has the new I am Not Okay with this, which I got to see as a preview copy at Short Run. Robert Reich's Economics in Wonderland features his essays against extreme capitalism combined with cartoons. Katie Skelly's My Pretty Vampire is on my long list for best books of 2017. Last Girl Standing is Trina Robbin's look at living in the underground scene. And of course, the new Fanta Anthology series, Now, is out, well, now. So many options and those are only the ones form this year!

Hermes Press is an upscale publisher that works in the same area as the high-end Fantagraphics material, reprinting classic comics, biographies of comics history, and issuing a few single-issue works, like a new Phantom series. They are doing a sliding scale sale: 25% off as the base, 30% if you spend at least $130, 35% off if you reach $250, and 40% off if you go all the way up to a $400 order. Given the heft and print quality of their comics, that's not very hard to do, if you find a niche work you're really into.

Rob's Picks: I loved The Phantom growing up, so I'd be naturally drawn to their Phantom archives, particularly the set that covers the period that Joe Aparo (Batman) drew the comic for Charlton. I already own Babes in Arms from Trina Robbins, which is also recommended. There's also Pogo reprints and Buck Rodgers, which look tempting. Lots of great stuff, if you want to do a deep dive on a favorite that's hard to find elsewhere.

Here's all the details you need for the Hermes sale.

Radiator Comics is relatively new, but they have some great books. They're offering 10% off with the code GIMMEADISCOUNT.  Radiator is a mix of mini-comics and a few select graphic novels and are a publisher to watch!

Rob's Picks: Chronicles of Fortune is a strange beast about a woman who fancies herself a superhero--who really doesn't do anything super. As her world grows stranger--she lives with a thinking mountain--you become engrossed in her blending of fantasy and reality. Highly recommended, and on my list for consideration as a year's best. Also excellent is Melissa Mendes' The Weight and Neil's The Plot.

Here's all the details you need for the Radiator sale.

Sparker Monthly is also running a sale, and that's great news if you're an OEL Manga fan! They offer free and paid material on the website, which is a collection of comics that are western, but influenced heavily by Shojo manga, which is of course, awesome!

Rob's Picks: Personally, there's only one clear pick here--get the gift subscription! You can even use it on yourself!

Here's all the details you need for the Sparkler sale.

Taneka Stotts and Genué Revuelta are friends, and I'm more than happy to point out their 20% off sale with the code SMALLBUSINESSROCKS. 

Rob's Picks: Um, hello? Elements anthology, of course! But there's also the Catarina pin collection, some awesome prints, and more.

Here's all the details you need for their sale.