Juggalos and Bricks (Weekend Pattering for August 18th, 2017)


Young Romance #103 (December, 1959), pencils and inks by Jack Kirby

Previously on Panel Patter

Cover of the Next Week

Javier Pulido is a fantastic artist. I love how in this variant cover to Josie and the Pussycats #9 that the leopard print is the filling the negative space.This is the type of cover that if I saw it on the comic racks, I'd stop and just stare at it for a while.  But thanks to the magic of the internet, I can just look at it on my computer screen.  That's the same thing, isn't it?

This and That

*** SPX Ignatz Award nominees: Books tackling bigotry top ‘the Spirit Awards of comics’ (Comics Riffs)-- Micahel Cavna has the rundown of this year's Ignatz nominees, the small press awards that are part of SPX weekend, which is just about a month away.
“This year, we had nearly 600 submissions, which is pretty incredible,” Ignatz director Dan Stafford tells The Washington Post’s Comic Riffs. “About one-third of the print submissions are self-published work, which shows the vibrancy and strength of the indie comics community.”
There are some great comics nominated this year but, as these kinds of nominations always do, this list reminds me that I've got a pretty hefty and constantly growing to-read pile of comics.  

*** Pro-Trump Rally Set to Clash with Juggalo March in Washington, D.C. in September (Metal Sucks)-- So September 16th will see small press cartoonists, alt-right wingers and Juggalo's all converging on Washington DC.
Also scheduled to storm the National Mall that day is the Juggalo March, a collective of I.C.P. fans seeking equal treatment, which we first reported on here last summer. The Juggalo March “aims to bring national attention to the ongoing discrimination and profiling that Juggalos continue to be subjected to following the group’s inclusion in the U.S. Department of Justice’s 2011 National Gang Task Force report.” Which is a ludicrous classification, to be sure: while we may enjoy making fun of ICP and their fans, they’re not inherently bad people.
Can you just imagine what that would be like?  I kind of think it would be like The Odd Couple to the millionth power.

*** Comics (Critics) Should Be Decent: Yet Another Discourse About Discourse (Loser City)-- I always enjoy a good discussion on criticism and Nick Hanover and Kim O'Connor provide the latest discussion.  
Kim: One of the first comics pieces I wrote was about the anxiety of coming correct, which I see as a balance of interrogating yourself and the trying to muster the confidence you’re talking about. Confidence is seen as an asset in white men in comics crit; in the rest of us, it’s framed as irrational or aggressive, so coming correct can be harder to calibrate. The spirit of real criticism requires doubt more than conviction or certainty. And I guess there’s a vulnerability to that project that Comics as we know it not only fails to inspire, but also actively seeks to destroy. I don’t get around to as much of the pure comics crit (as opposed to toxic culture stuff) as I’d like because I feel like my role is to stand up to that in my own small way, writing about the people who are pissing in the talent pool. You’re on a wholly different path, nurturing new talent. People see those strategies as, like, spiritually opposed…but we’re both working toward the same thing. Not that I’m holding myself up as some paragon of do-gooding in The Community (lol); I’m just leveraging my bad personality to fight fire with fire. Work with what you got.

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