A lot of Panel Patter readers probably already know about the great concept called InkTober, where creators practice their craft with ink drawings and post them for the enjoyment of their followers. It happens on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram, for the most part, often cross-posted between them.
It would be impossible to read all the InkTobers that get posted, but that doesn't meant we can't spotlight some of the ones that catch our eye. We're going to try something new this year and post weekly some of our favorites, in no particular order. Rob McMonigal picks more selections they saw this past week. Enjoy!
Gomez Addams from The Addams Family by Kelly Williams (Metaphase)
Kelly Williams is doing Addams Family sketches all month long, and as a person who grew up on the reruns, I'm super-excited about this. Bonus points to Kelly because he's drawing them as originally portrayed by the creator, Charles Addams. You can find out more about Kelly Williams here.
Alien Environment Suit by John Welding (Illustrator)
The Sin of Sloth by Breakfast Jones (Illustrator)
I can't resist a good pun. Here's Breakfast Jones (real name Kendyl Lauzon) putting a very slow-moving joke together as part of her Inktober. You can learn more about Breakfast Jones at her website.
That's it for this week. For some reason, I wasn't on Twitter when people were posting, so I didn't see as much as I had for week two. That's the good/bad part of Twitter as a platform--fun when you see things, less fun when you don't. Anyway, we'll be back for more next week!