Halloween Horror: Rock n Roll Horror with the Nix Kickstarter

Pictures of ghosts and goblins and horrors so menacing only comics could contain them will haunt you all month long with our annual Halloween Horror feature. Join us as we try to scare you with posts relating to our favorite comics designed to put a chill up your spine or scratch that itch you get whenever someone mentions Boris Karloff! We'll be at this all month with a variety of posts. You can find them all--along with entries from past years--at this link. But don't blame us if you can't sleep after reading them....

Nix 8 Cover by Black Kirby
Long-time Panel Pal Ken Eppstein has been running Nix Comics for several years now. He's expanded from one comic series to several, brought some things out of print back into the light of day, and revels in the links between horror, rock music, and comics. His main baby is the signature title, Nix Comics Quarterly and is now finishing up another successful Kickstarter for the 8th issue.

There's still time this weekend to get on the action, and I highly recommend that you do so. Each issue of Nix Comics Quarterly is a delightful combination of strangeness, silliness, and moments that are scarier than you might expect from a mag that's got a lot of roots in homage/parody. Basically, the main Nix book is what happens when you read too many issues of Creepy and Eerie while listening to punk music. That's pretty much Ken Eppstein in a nutshell.

Art by Rich Trask

Here's Ken talking about the project, from the Kickstarter Page:
Nix Comics is a Columbus, Ohio based publisher that prominently features comic books that are as inspired by record store culture, punk rock zines and B-Movies as they are by pre-code humor and horror comics.  Each issue of Nix's flagship title, Nix Comics Quarterly (NCQ), features 6-8 horror stories with garage and punk rock inspirations.
Nix Comics Quarterly (NCQ) #8 will be the fourth full length publication released by Nix Comics in 2015.  It will be a 28 page color comic book. 
As always, Ken's tiers are amazingly well structured. For $4 + $3 shipping, he'll send you the comic itself, bright and shiny on nice paper (I've always been impressed by Ken's production values for a small publisher.) Go up to $16, and get all 4 comics Ken's published this year. For only $32, you can also get all eight issues of Nix Comics Quarterly together in a set. And of course, there are larger tiers, for those so inclined, like original art.

We've reviewed a few Nix Projects across the years, so if you want a few more details, you can click this link for our reviews. The Nix Comics website, with more images and information, is here.

Nix Comics signature character, The Vicar. Appears in all 8 issues!

Ken only asked for $1000 on this KS, and he's up to $1300. It would be great to see him pad that total to ensure that Nix Comics can continue for years to come. If you enjoy horror, music, and indie comics, make sure you check this out--and back the Kickstarter, too, to get a cool Halloween treat--and that's no trick!