Written by
Dan Abnett
Line Art by
I.N.J. Culbard
Color Art by
Patricia Mulvihill
Published by
Vertigo Comics
A stiff
upper lip was replaced by two sharp teeth, as Britain turned its best and
brightest into vampires in order to save the rest of the population from a
worse fate, becoming zombies. Cursed to live forever in service to the Queen,
the "Young" as they are called cannot die--until one does, turning
the established rules of society upside down in this mini-series from a few
years ago.
Dan Abnett
is getting a lot of attention from Guardians of the Galaxy, but he's also a
prolific writer of many other comics, especially several on and off series for 2000 AD. New Deadwardians, from 2012, finds him looking at two standard
horror tropes and seeking out a way to change how they operate. Normally, I
wouldn't come within 50 feet of a zombie book, as I am so tired of them, it's
not even funny.* But the idea of a mystery set in a world where zombies are
just a part of everyday life, and oh by the way, most of the upper classes of
Britain are also vampires, and I felt it was worth investigating, if you'll
pardon the pun.
doesn't disappoint. His main character, Chief Inspector George Suttle, is
everything you think of when you picture a typical British gentleman. Prim,
proper, and so far restrained in his actions and emotions that you expect him
to snap under the strain, Suttle is in his way as lifeless as the zombies that
are held in check by fences. When he's asked to do the rare job of looking into
a possible homicide, Suttle slowly springs to life again, with meaning poured
back into an existence that seemed tedious and dull for him. What good is a man
of action, who gave up his life (though not his soul, apparently) to tackle an
impossible foe, if there is no action left?
internal struggle plays a big part in New
Deadwardians, as Suttle moves throughout this world that's changed from the
one we know, yet still has the same class issues, cover-ups, corruption, and
other ills that not even the introduction of two forms of the undead can
change. Because he has to go from the upper crust to the underclass in order to
solve the crime, Abnett is able to easily flesh out the world without resorting
to blatant exposition. If Suttle lingers a bit too long thinking over what has
come before, it works, because he's meant to be reflective. Abnett does a great
job of avoiding one of the main traps stories like this fall into--veering off
the main action to show the readers just how cool and imaginative he's been in
creating the world. By taking Suttle across the social strata, we get what we
need to see while also moving the plot along nicely.
The mystery
itself is pretty solid, if not exactly original. Suttle soon discovers that the
dead vampire was, like so many aristocrats before him, dabbling in secret
societies, private debauchery, and things that were bound to get him burned.
The deeper Suttle digs, the more attention is paid to him. When Suttle and the
reader learn the truth, we know what must happen, as Duty clashes with
revealing the truth. It's very well done, but anyone looking for something new
in terms of the plot will be disappointed. Abnett's strength here is in looking
at how the introduction of two factors (vampirism and zombies) change the way
in which the story is told, not in telling an entirely new story. (Having said
that, I do like how he tries to throw Suttle off the scent--I admit for a brief
time, I was fooled, and that's not
easy to do.)
I liked a
lot about New Deadwardians, but
unfortunately, I don't think the art was up to the level of writing. Culbard's
style is almost painfully straightforward, which means there's a stiffness that
permeates the pages and never lets go. While I understand that part of the idea
is that many of the characters no longer have violent emotions, it would have
been nice to see the contrast between those who are undead (in various forms)
and the living. But we don't get that, and I think some of the impact of the
difference between the Young and those who serve them.
There are
some good moments in the panel constructions, such as when Suttle is staring
down the zombies, who are more akin to him than the living, and the parallel is
clear. Culbard also does a nice job of making sure that you always feel like
Suttle is the center of attention whenever he's in a panel. The vanishing
points usually run through Suttle, no matter where he is in the panel. When
he's off-panel, the focus is clearly centered on someone else. I also
appreciate that he wasn't afraid to draw both male and female characters fully
naked. I'm so tired of comics where we get what I used to call "Vertigo
Tits" but any hint of a penis was disguised somehow. Culbard draws dongs,
and even if I wasn't keen on his overall linework, I really respect that.
New Deadwardians was pretty well
regarded when it came out, and I can see why. It's nice to see the horror
elements exist, but be taken as just part of life, rather than being outside of
it. Like it or not, this version of the world will always have zombies and
vampires, and the common man will be stuck in-between. That's the lesson we
learn from New Deadwardians, and
watching how that plays out when law and order is twisted by factors more
powerful than justice makes for a solid, enjoyable comic that's worth seeking
out for holiday reading.
*Except the
original Marvel Zombies, which was