** Look at the SPX Spotlights and more that we've been pattering about this week:
- Rob M. explored the non-fiction comics of Andy Warner
- Guy T. looked at the comics of Danielle Corsetto
- Scott C. reviewed Noah Van Sciver's Fante Bukowski
- At PopOptiq, Scott C. wrote about Omega Men #4
- At TCJ, Rob K. interviews Josh Simmons.
- At Comicosity, James K. reflected on the end of the Waid/Samnee run in Daredevil #18.
- And at his Tumblr, James K. also had quick reviews on a number of last week's comics.
** Our regular linkblogging will return in a week or two but to prep for the Small Press Expo taking place next week, Sept 19th & 20th, we present a look at a number of cartoonists you should check out at SPX if you'll be there. And if not, click on the links to check out the cartoonists websites.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. To find even more info and examples of a lot of the great cartooning that will be on display next week, check out SPX's Tumblr.
** Here are links to some publishers' plans for SPX:
** Here are links to some publishers' plans for SPX:
** Here's the list of everyone who is exhibiting at SPX and the map of the exhibition area. And while you're there, here's some of the programming that you can check out in Bethesda, MD next week.
** Ignatz nominee Rav Volume 1 by Mickey Zacchilli 1 now available digitally.
** Marguerite Van Cook and James Romberger have made their Ignatz nominated story Nature Lessons available as a PDF for free up until SPX.
** Stop by table H12B and pick up a copy of the Rob Kirby edited anthology What's Your Sign Girl?
** House of Women, Part II by Sophie Goldstein is debuting at SPX 2015.
** Tait Howard and Kevin Panetta's Lorel will be available at the show.
** Gale Galligan's Weeb 1: The Ways of Love will be at SPX.
** Hopefully Jorge Santiago Jr. will have The Curse of the Eel #4 printed up before SPX.
** Jordan Jeffries' So Young sounds like it would be a fun book to track down at SPX.
** Check back next week for some more SPX coverage