Naturally, we jump right into discussion.
Guy Thomas: Now that RJ [Casey] is
across the country, what problems are you having with Yeti Press?
Eric Roesner: None really. I mean, probably the only problem now is he has
to do conventions without me carrying boxes with him. That’s about the only
hard part about it. Everything else we got down. We’re on the phone a lot more.
We planned 2 new books coming out for CAKE, after he moved.
Roesner: Kat Leyh’s SuperCakes
trade paperback. We had her first issue of SuperCakes
as an 8 page mini. This is going to be 56 pages. It’s a superhero story, but
it’s more about the characters. It’s very family oriented, very character
driven. Second book is David Alvarado’s Dirty
Hands collection. He’s been putting out these zines, called Dirty Hands, which have comics,
illustrations, drawings. We collected these all into a nice paperback that’s
going to be about 120 pages.
Roesner: A month or two after CAKE, RJ and I will be launching our
webcomic, Rise Above. All ages, that
should be fun.
Thomas: Can you talk about
Roesner: Yeah! Actually, it’s the first story RJ and I started to
work on when we met. It kept growing and growing, but we hadn’t made a comic
together yet. So we made Pecos, and
that kind of took on its own thing. Now we feel like it’s time, we can handle
that large of a story. We’re doing it online just to see if that can be a way
for Yeti Press to go, having a webcomic. So it’s kind of a test thing. After
it’s done we’ll probably end up collecting it and printing it.
Thomas: I know you got a
couple of books planned for the rest of the year. Anything you can or want to
talk about for later, later?
Roesner: Later, later. What we have planned is this New York – I
guess you could call him a fine artist, like a gallery artist, he was talking
to RJ and he would put out little zine comics, he has this little heart
character. We’re going to do his first official comic with this character.
We’re pretty excited about that
Thomas: What kind of
problems, trials, and tribulations did you have trying to start being a publisher?
Roesner: For the longest time Yeti Press was the name we put
ourselves under. Once we started printing other people’s stuff, then we had to
figure out how we’re going to pay them. I mean, it’s not a hard thing to do. But
it’s a thing that if you don’t do it everything goes south real quick. You do
it in baby steps. It’s kind of like, we had this big grand story to tell at
first, then we got some advice from our peers and they said you guys should
start small, work your way up. So for the first couple years we just had
floppies, minis, zines, and now that we’ve been around for a while we’ve asked
other people – asking other people advice is like, the greatest thing ever.
Cause we wouldn’t know how to do anything if it wasn’t for the kindness of the
comic community. Definitely keeping records, that’s always good.
One of our things that I feel like we kind of missed the boat on a little bit that we should, I think our social media kind of lacks. We’re not good at updates or posting a lot or often. We could be more visible, I guess. RJ and I, we’re not real good at that stuff. For a while we were getting some emails from like people wanting to intern and we were like, what would they do? It’s in RJ’s apartment and I’m in Aurora. But we were thinking about some sort of marketing internship if someone ever asked. So maybe we can put that out there.
One of our things that I feel like we kind of missed the boat on a little bit that we should, I think our social media kind of lacks. We’re not good at updates or posting a lot or often. We could be more visible, I guess. RJ and I, we’re not real good at that stuff. For a while we were getting some emails from like people wanting to intern and we were like, what would they do? It’s in RJ’s apartment and I’m in Aurora. But we were thinking about some sort of marketing internship if someone ever asked. So maybe we can put that out there.
Roesner: I read your comic sitting at the table, and it reminded me a
lot of Eric Nebel’s book, Well Come.
That style, wordless. It flows, it reads real well.
Thomas: Thank you. Was that Her I handed you?
Roesner: Yes.
Thomas: That was a 24 hour
comic. I had never done that before. It was neat.
Roesner: I have never even attempted. It’s scary.
Thomas: It was really
intense, but halfway through you’re like yeah I got this! Then towards the end
you’re like, this is a hand, I guess. You stop caring eventually. It was a
really cool thing. Thank you.
So, how do you go
about finding other people to publish?
Roesner: So far, it’s been people we know. They talk online or we
talk personally and they say I’m thinking about doing this or I’m thinking
about printing this and if it fits in our schedule and our budget then we offer
them- “oh, if you’d like do it through us we’d be more than happy to.” You get
your cut and we get ours. Some people submit, but a lot of people who submit… I
don’t think they’re researching who they’re submitting to. We’ll get emails
like “check out our zombie apocalypse comic!” and we’re like “have you even
looked at our website?”
Thomas: That’s kind of a big
part of the submitting process.
Roesner: Yeah. It all started from trying to help out our friends, y’know,
and it just kind of year by year grows a little.
Thomas: You do stuff besides
Yeti Press.
Roesner: Yeah.
Thomas: What else do you do?
Roesner: I’ve been an artist my whole life. This is actually the
first time I’ve ever tabled by myself. It’s been a learning experience. I’ve
done little projects, like before Yeti Press I was doing minis and one page
comics and illustrations, stuff for friends or whatever. I met up with RJ right
out of college, it was my senior year, it was right at the end I met RJ. So
kind of right out of college until last year it’s been Yeti Press nonstop. I
can still focus on that, but I’m getting a little more time to focus on
personal work. I think after the webcomic I’m going to really sit down and do
solo book.
After this convention I’m going to disappear to the world
for a while to try to pump out that webcomic. It’s gonna be weekly, full color.
I have this new process I want to try out, doing pencils on the computer
printing those out on Bristol board, inking them, then scanning back in to
color. Which when I say sounds like a really long process. I’m excited to get
Thomas: I’m excited to see it.
What’s your favorite dinosaur?
Roesner: Dimetrodon.