Meet Francavilla's Mummy |
In addition to being the guy helping to keep Archie on the map, creator Francesco Francavilla is an extremely prolific sketch artist who will single-handedly keep your twitter feed full of amazing art. Whether it's working on a theme or just his desire to draw something of interest, Francavilla is always creating new images that are absolutely stunning in their quality.
Halloween, naturally, is a subject of great interest for artists in general (and about the only time I use Tumblr actively, so I can see all the amazing drawings) and the horror-minded Francovilla is no exception.
Lately, he's been doing a ton of classic creatures on his Tumblr, some of which are more obscure than others. Selections include the Mummy (shown here), Creature from the Black Lagoon, Freddy Kreuger, Island of Lost Souls, House of Wax (the other example I used for this post) and of course, the Bride of Frankenstein, among many others.
Initial sketch for Francavilla's House of Wax drawing. |
The best part for me (besides seeing all this gorgeous stuff) is that Francavilla is also sharing some of his process work on the monster mock-ups. Though I cannot draw very well myself, the longer I am involved in comics, the more I like to see the before, not just the after. Getting to look at the drawings in various stages of composition shows his initial layout ideas, when details are added, and other things you don't normally get to see, since we're only looking at the finished product.
There are tons of great things going on for Halloween in the world of comics. But few of them are going to look as amazing as Francavilla's work, so make sure you're following his Tumblr. Come for the creatures, stay for the creativity!