Stumptown Comics Art Awards Deadline Extended to August 12, 2014

Though Stumptown as a convention no longer exists, the organization has strong ties to the Rose City Comic-Con, coming up next month. As part of this association, Stumptown has a Comics Art Award series, which covers the usual categories, such as Best Writer, Best Artist, Best Anthology, etc.

They've decided to extend the deadline for submission this year to August 12th, which isn't very far away, but there's still time for you to submit your work for consideration.

From the website:

In response to requests from publishers and creators, the deadline for submissions for the annual Stumptown Comic Arts Awards has been extended! Entries now need to be postmarked no later than August 12, 2014 to be considered, and should be mailed or delivered to this address:
Stumptown Comic Arts Awards Submission Bridge City Comics 3725 N. Mississippi Ave. Portland, OR 97227
Publishers and creators interested in submitting work published between April 2013 and April 2014 should include one physical copy of each title to be considered, accompanied by an official entry form which can be downloaded from the link below:

Good luck if you decide to enter!