Sadly, though we do not currently have another global-level conflict looming, war is still with us, just scattered about in pockets that flare up, die down, and flare up again, to the point that even a person as politically aware as myself cannot keep up with all of them.
That's why it's so important to never forget the wars that have come before, but it's also why it's so easy to do so. Because it solved almost nothing and because of the closer proximity of World War II, the First World War often is something people (especially in the United States) are vaguely aware of, but pay little attention to.
First Second is trying to do something to change that, with Above the Dreamless Dead, an anthology of war poetry that's been adapted by a stellar lineup of comics creators, including Eddie Campbell, Carol Tyler, Simon Gane, the Immonens, Kevin Huizenga, and more.
Today on Panel Patter, we'll be featuring a review of the new anthology, edited by Chris Duffy,