James and I talked a bit on Twitter and started having conversations about comics and other things. James was also doing small reviews of the comics he read on Tumblr (just like I used to do on Live Journal back in the day), and I saw that he had very good taste and a keen insight on what he was reading. He agreed to become a member of the team, and today marks his debut on the site.
James will be a Panel Patter regular, working mostly alongside me covering the books that come out on a regular basis, as well as anything else that catches his eye. This means most weeks will have two Single Minded columns, giving you extra perspective on the week's titles. He's got a lot of love for Image Comics (who doesn't?) and a really strong personal voice when it comes to writing his reviews, and I think you'll dig what he has to say.
Here's James' bio:
James Kaplan is a Boston-based practicing attorney by day, and avid reader of comics whenever he can. He loved comics as a kid, went away from them for a long time, but has come back with a vengeance in the past few years. He loves superhero books, science fiction, and is discovering an appreciation for other genres as well. He also gets a lot of joy from sharing his favorite comics with his wife, kids, and friends. He posts shorter comics reviews, along with opinions about all sorts of other subjects, at sinisterjhk.tumblr.com.Let's give James a hand and welcome him in to the Panel Patter family!