So in order to recreate my childhood (I am a comics fan after all), I'm going to post a new image related to Christmas each day from now till December 25th.
Generally speaking, these will be secular, unless I run into an amazing religious drawing. Also, please be aware that we here at Panel Patter do not endorse a particular faith. This is just a way to have some fun before a date when people, Christian or not, get a few days off (hopefully) to be with their friends and family and get lots and lots of good gift cards. A link to all of the Indie Advent posts is here.
On the 19th Day, we look at an image that should never be hidden, courtesy of Nick Brokenshire:

Nick Brokenshire is part of the team behind Amelia Cole, a nifty little ongoing series written by Adam P. Knave and DJ Kirkbride (also the writers of PP favorite Never Ending). You can get all the issues from Comixology or pick up Volume 1 from IDW. Either way, go do it and see more great work like this, as Brokenshire is at his best with splash pages.