2000AD Online handed out a digital Christmas present to fans of good comics a few weeks early today, releasing two digital samplers for the low low price of absolutely free.
The two collections, marked US and UK respectively (but without any restrictions on the ability to download them), offer a sampling of the 2000AD/Rebellion Universe.
The US edition (available here) features Dredd reprints, with stories by John Wagner with art by Ian Gibson and Pete Doherty. There's also a Ten Seconders story, along with Zombo, and Button Man. I only scanned the issues presented, but they appear to all be one-shot stories designed to get the reader intrigued enough to look for more, which is exactly what a sampler should do.
In the UK edition (available here) takes a different tack, with a lead story featuring Defoe, by Pat Mills and Leigh Gallagher. That looks really cool, and I can't wait to sit down and read it in more detail. The rest of the sampler features Cradlegrave and Insurrection, the latter a tie-in to the Dredd universe written by the D part of the DnA team, Dan Abnett. It's a bit shorter than the US edition, but man, if you're complaining about the length of free, please come here so I can hit you over the head with something.
I'm still moving into reading comics from the 2000AD Universe, filling in a gap in my comics reading that I should have taken care of years ago. If you've never tried any of their offerings before, this is a great opportunity.