Rose City 2013 Haul

It wouldn't be a complete convention write-up if I didn't share the books I got at the show.

This one was very heavy on the Study Group folks, not that there's anything wrong with that! I was on a fairly tight budget, as this was show #3 in a row, after Baltimore and SPX, so I got less than I would have normally.

That said, a few of these are sure to be new favorites, and it was cool to pick up something new from a few names I'd lost track of due to not seeing them at shows.

Here's the full list, broken down by type:

True Believer by Lucy Bellwood
Briar Hollow #3 by Terry Blas and Kimball Davis
It Will All Hurt #1 by Farel Dalrymple
I Cut My Hair #4 by Lisa Rosalie Eisenberg
Like a Virus by Ken Lowery, Robert Wilson IV, and Jodan Boyd
Ghost Attack 4 by Zack Soto
Secret Voice Vol 2 #1 by Zack Soto
Papercutter #2 by Various (Colleen Coover's first public comics work!)
Study Group Magazine #1 by Various
Study Group Magazine #2 by Various

Salt Water Taffy #3, #4, and #5 by Matthew Loux (FINALLY got these!)
The Comic Critic Presents Seldom Seen Films by Mark Monlux
The Mourning Star by Kazimir Strzepek
Meathaus 8 by Various
Vamypres Vol 1 by Various

I can't wait to read these and review as many as I can make time for!