A long time ago, I blogged about the opening of Study Group, a collective of webcomics by creators like Zack Soto, Katie Skelly, Elijah Brubaker, Farel Dalrymple, Michael DeForge, Sam Humphries, Box Brown, and others.
In celebration of the best holiday on Earth, the Study Group folks are featuring extra content for Halloween, and what they have so far is absolutely awesome. (However, please be aware that Study Group is the poster child for Not Safe for Work.)
Some highlights of the Halloween content that's up there so far:
- Phosphorous by Julia Gfrorer is the story of a young man running away from home who has an unwilling affair with a swamp creature. A wonderful play on the idea of the succubus, Gfrorer uses a turquoise main color for the pages, giving it an unnatural feel from the start and draws in a style that makes heavy use of short, straight lines. There are very few words, making it all the more haunting.
- Vile from Tyler Landy is a pin-up a day until Halloween, with the first image showing some Mignola influences.
- Eight Creeps For October by Trevor Alixopulos is also a series of pin-ups, covering a variety of horror situations in a style that reminds me a bit of New Yorker comics.
Now, I should warn you that while I love Study Group's comics, their website layout is Tumblr-ish and rather busy. It's a bit daunting and periodically confusing, but don't let that stop you from checking out some great stuff.
The website promises new content of a scary nature between now and Halloween, so make sure you add it into your daily routine this spooky season. It's amazing stuff, and costs you nothing but time. Time to have your soul damned by mini-comics creators! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!