As I noted earlier this weekend, I'm actually enjoying the new DC Universe, much as I expected not to do so. If DC's executives are to be believed in this interview, I'm not alone. There's an interesting set of quotes about the percentage of digital sales and how digital is not eating into print purchases. Of course, no one ever gives out hard numbers, so take this all with a grain of salt.
Speaking of the New 52, Linsay from the Comics Anonymous blog urges you to re-think picking up Batwing. I don't think she quite convinces me, because I'm less concerned with the writer and more on the story itself.
Steve Ellis re-creates the little-known Banana Western genre.
Jeff Potter and Wheeler Hall pay homage to one of the best crossovers ever, Archie meets the Punisher.
Nathan Fairbairn does a nice job on Damien, the pre-teen wonder.
Darryl Ayo has had quite a bit to say about comics and comics culture on Twitter lately, and I've been happy to engage him in conversation there when my limited time permits. He spent most of this past week on his blog expanding on those thoughts. Here's one on comic strips, the idea of alternative comics, the idea of the graphic novel and what it means to use that term, and finally, a post about the possibly dismal future of comics. It's solid, thought-provoking reading, and even though you're unlikely to agree with all of it, I'm glad the conversation is out there. If I get some time this week, I may write a response post of sorts, as my outlook is, I think, a bit more positive than Darryl's.
Deb Aoki tweeted this interview with the head of Comixology located at, of all places, a movie-based blog. He's got some interesting things to say, not the least of which is effectively if people keep paying $3.99, we'll keep charging $3.99. That's basic economics, and I don't blame them at all. What I do blame are the people paying $3.99. STOP IT! Digital singles should be $1.99 for a 20 page comic, and the sooner we all stop paying more, the soon we will get there. I am a huge fan of digital comics, but only at the right price point. I think digital is the way of the future, but the floodgates won't open until the price becomes more reasonable.
T-Rex raps for your
Cardboard Colin participates in a company crossover of board games. Crisis on Infinite Monopolies!
Groo returns, and he's going to meet the former governor of California! Not really, it's actually a mashup with Conan the Barbarian, and I'm a little nervous about this one, despite being a fan of both properties. This will either be as awesome as Archie meets the Punisher or really, really bad.
Here's an update on a bunch of things you can get from Dustin Harbin. Go do it!
Finally, I'm sure that we'd all like to be this literal from time to time.
Have a great Sunday!