It's early November, which means we're still in the roughly three-month span of time that normally houses the Philly Zine Fest! The PZF always kind of feels a little ad hoc, and yet, it's one of the most heavily attended zine fests that I attend, with every nook and cranny of the awesome space (the Rotunda, address to follow) filled with zines and mini-comics of every type, and there's always a really great vibe. After the crushing disappointment that was the Pittsburgh Indy Comics Expo, I'm looking forward to going out on this year's zine fest circuit with a bang.
This year's line-up features many of the distros and creators that come to PZF every year, although you can expect almost everyone to have lots of new titles and issues. Among the larger distros in attendance will be Things You Say (run by Erin of Driving Blind zine), Canadian table-only distro twelveohtwo, and Parcell Press, where I always drop a Hamilton or two. (Full disclosure, hint hint: I will also be there with my distro Black Light Diner.)
As for individual zinesters, there are a bunch: Deafula, a zine about a deaf woman's interactions with the hearing world; the folks behind I Love Bad Movies (for when you want your MST3K in printed form); Taryn Hipp who writes Sub Rosa and formerly wrote Girl Swirl (one of the first zines I ever read), and Syndicate Product, an anthology zine I've never read but their latest issue is all about comics, so you better believe Rob or I will be picking it up. I'm less familiar with the comics creators who will be there, but I recognize a few: Jim8Ball who does so many mini-comics, Ramsey of List (which I could also file under zines but I need another comics listing!), and for some local flavor, the Philly Comix Jam. I see a lot of new titles this year, which is awesome.
The Philly Zine Fest is held at the Rotunda located at 4014 Walnut Street in West Philadelphia, which is a small but surprisingly not very claustrophobic space. Running from noon to six on Sunday, November 13, the PZF will make a nice closer to this year's zine/comics fest season.