Welcome to day nine of the 10 Days of Halloween Horror 2011! We'll be featuring horror-related reviews right up until the big day! You can find the Halloween Horror posts for Panel Patter here, and don't forget to check out the Book Stew for book-book horror, too!
It's the penultimate day of my 10 Days of Halloween Horror! I hope you've had a blast. Now let's see what others are up to, as we do a little Sunday Reading. Don't be afraid, they're only links...
If you only pick one link to visit, make it this one, as Comics Alliance points us to arguably the greatest Marvel What The..? video of all time.
John Carpenter gets into the comics game, but chooses Bruce Jones to be his writer. Not sure that would be my pick. In fact, I'm almost certain it wouldn't be. At least the sales numbers are set to be scary!
Here's an interview with Joshua Hale Fialkov about I, Vampire that made me stop fretting over the cover and buy the comic. Hey, it's J.M. DeMatteis approved!
Phillipa Rice ain't afraid of no ghosts!
Missed Busiek's Dracula? Here's a new chance at it, this time on the web.
Beware the Phantom of the Opera!
Vampire Tragedy
The Wolfman, Novelist?
Have a great Sunday...if you dare!