First off, Bully, everyone's favorite little stuffed bull, reads the adaptation for the terrible 1990 Captain America movie, written apparently by none other than Stan Lee himself, who must have wanted to exact punishment for not getting a cameo in the direct-to-video release. As usual, Bully is a master of mockery. If you only click one link today, click this one! You know what would have been awesome? Someone asking Lee about this at Comi-con!
Much as I enjoyed the Cap movie, the movie of the year for me almost certainly will be the new Muppet Movie. Never ones to shy away from parody themselves, here's Sam the Extremely American Eagle getting ready to cosplay. Using the word extreme just gave me a nightmare vision of Rob Liefield drawing a muppet comic. Then again, it might be perfect for him--no feet!
Michael Lynch does a corner homage to Cap in this post from the Cornered blog.
Jemma Salume proves that anyone can channel the spirit of Captain America.
Finally, one more potshot from Bully, this time at Colletta's expense. I'd be thirsty, but the much-maligned inker kinda erased my mouth. Oops.
What Captain-America related links are you reading this weekend? Share them with me!