Today I'm excited to share an interview with Mike Maihack, creator of one of my favorite webcomics, Cleopatra in Spaaaace! This is perfect timing, as the comic just finished its second chapter and you can pick up the story by either catching up online or buying the print versions of Chapter 1 and the upcoming Chapter 2.
I'm a big fan of this webcomic because it's not only incredibly well drawn, it's also an awful lot of fun. We have a historical character romping about in space using laser guns and bantering with a talking cat. How can you not be attracted to that idea? Best of all, there's more to the story than just the concept. Cleo is a young girl with a lot to learn, and part of the attraction of this series is watching her grow up--if she can. Maihack really hit the jackpot with this one, as I'm sure you'll agree when you check it out after reading this interview.
Panel Patter: First of all, thanks for agreeing to the interview! I've been a big fan of Cleo since it started a little over a year ago now. For those who aren't aware of your webcomic, give them a short description of Cleopatra in Spaaaace.
Mike Maihack: It's the story of one trigger-happy, time-displaced heroine from ancient Egypt who now fights alongside talking cats in the far far, really far far future. It's deeper than that, but not by much.Panel Patter: How did you come up with the idea for Cleo?
Panel Patter: Was this your first webcomic? If not, what other webcomics did you draw?
ridiculous, gag-a-day styled comic that would spiral out of control into these giant, year-long story arcs. And before that I put up a fantasy comic called Seed that I never finished. It's funny because, style wise, Cleo kinda feels like a combination of those two comics.
Panel Patter: Why a webcomic and not a series of mini-comics instead?
Panel Patter: How hard is it for you to keep Cleo going, week after week? What do you do to make sure you're ready for the readers, week in and week out?
Panel Patter: I love the way you opted to spell "space" for the comic. How did you settle on four As?
Panel Patter: Tell me about how you put together a Cleo strip, from beginning idea to hitting "publish" on the website.
Panel Patter: Cleo seems to easily hook readers into the narrative and has a loyal following. What do you think contributes to that success?
all to the title character. I know her very well so it's super easy to write her. And maybe there's something about her that really resonates with readers. Or maybe it's just that she shoots stuff a lot.
Panel Patter: Cleo seems to be something of an all-ages webcomic. There are definitely a lot of adult fans, but I think it's appropriate for children, too. Do you think of it in those terms? Why or why not?
mind just sorta goes there when it comes to crafting stories. I thought I might have crossed a line when I introduced the whiskey drinking, but no one really seemed bothered by it. And there are consequences for those actions. But I want more kids reading comics and it seems senseless to exclude adults from reading those same stories.
Panel Patter: How long do you plan to keep Cleo going? Do you have a general idea for the ending?
Panel Patter: Plug yourself a little bit! Talk about the new book and why fans of Cleopatra in Spaaaace should pick up a copy!
stuff! Amazing guest art! Full color! Plus every sale of the book goes to help buy baby stuff. Which will be very important to me in a few months.
Panel Patter: Thanks for your time, Mike!
Cleopatra in Spaaaace! updates on Mondays and you can view on the web here. Cleopatra in Spaaaace 1 is available as a book or a PDF here, and you can pre-order Cleopatra in Spaaaace 2 here. Have a look and see what you think! I think you'll agree this is webcomic to put on your RSS feed right away.