First Call for the Rumiko Takahashi Manga Movable Feast!

Fans of all things Rumiko Takahashi, mark your calendars for April 25th! That's when the Manga Movable Feast comes to town to celebrate the many works of one of Japan's most notable manga creators.

For those who aren't in the know, the Manga Movable Feast is a celebration of works of manga of all kinds, from the popular to the obscure.

From April 25th to April 30th, Panel Patter will serve as the host of the Feast on Takahashi, providing daily posts of some kind from yours truly as well as links to the posts of everyone who wishes to participate.

How do you participate, you ask? Why just write a blog entry of some kind on Rumiko Takahashi and send me the link by e-mail ( or on Twitter (panelpatter). Don't have your own blog, you say? No problem! I will happily guest-host your post! Just send along everything you want to say!

What is it you can say? Just about anything, as long as it relates to Takahashi. Wanna talk about her manga? Go for it! How about her anime, of which there is a plethora? Perfect, send it along! Got some thoughts on Takahashi herself, her legacy, or how she relates to other manga artists, past and present? I'd love to share it with the world as part of the feast. In other words, just about anything is fair game, as long as it fits the theme. You can even share older links from posts you've already written about the wide and varied Rumiko Takahashi canon if you'd like.

I am so very honored to be hosting the Takahashi Feast, as part of my year-long spotlight on Rumiko Takahashi. I'm also pleased to be the first host to be taking on an author instead of a particular work, giving this Movable Feast just a touch of difference from the rest, at least so far.

Let's make this a Manga Movable Feast to remember! Start thinking about your posts now, and be ready to share, starting April 25th!