As we start wrapping up the year, I realized I was reading several Top Shelf titles back to back. They put out a lot of great comics in 2010 (even with a recent reading binge, I won't get to all of them) and in general I find that I own or have read quite a bit of Top Shelf's catalog. They are a very solid publisher and I'm always happy to support them with my money and my reviews.
Since I was reading so many Top Shelf books here in the past week or so, I figured I'd turn it into a theme week! All this week I'll be featuring books both old and new from Top Shelf, along with a links post to reviews of some of my favorite Top Shelf books I've read in the past.
It might be too late for the holidays to get these for someone else, but hey...if you personally get any holiday money, why not send some of it to Top Shelf? It's money well spent. Enjoy the reviews. I hope you find a book or two that's just right for you!