With a name like AmazingSuperPowers, you'd think this comic might either be an ongoing strip about a hero or making fun of the heroic genre. That's not actually the case, but don't be disappointed. AmazingSuperPowers is a gag strip with wicked sense of humor that tends to find he worst in people or situations and show them to their audience.
Updated twice a week on Monday and Thursday by Matt and Tony (the only names they give out), each comic usually one-shots its way from a reasonable start to a horrible finish. Take this one, which starts on a serious note and ends with a comment that probably is truer than we'd care to admit. You might think of fireworks quite differently after this comic.
There are a few that deal with powers, of course, such as the problems X-Ray glasses might cause or even a James Bond riff on a multi-comic day.
The comic below is a good representation of AmazingSuperPowers:

In a world where things are often taken too seriously, AmazingSuperPowers certainly keeps a jaded eye out there to find the worst in all of us, from cops to best friends. I always look forward to this one every week, but then again, I'm the guy who rooted against E.T. when I was four.
AmazingSuperPowers lets me indulge in a little laughter at being a terrible person, which I think we all need. If you think you need it, too, give this one a try. Just remember: It's okay to read this stuff, but don't act on it. After all, you don't want to end up like these guys.
AmazingSuperPowers lets me indulge in a little laughter at being a terrible person, which I think we all need. If you think you need it, too, give this one a try. Just remember: It's okay to read this stuff, but don't act on it. After all, you don't want to end up like these guys.