My wife and I will once again be going to the Small Press Expo in Bethseda, Maryland. We had an amazing time last year, and I can't wait to go back.
I mean, they let you vote on the Ignantz awards, for goodness' sake! How cool is that?
SPX is fun because of how intimate it is. You could easily end up passing James Kochalka in the bathroom or (like I did) accidentally insult Kevin Huizenga by saying you would not expect the New York Times to recommend his book.
Doesn't that sound like fun?
If you want to find me at SPX (I can't imagine why, but just in case), I'll be wearing my patented red sneakers and either a red Dinosaurland t-shirt or my black Iron Men t-shirt.
And even if you don't want to see me at SPX, if you're a fan of indie comics and within driving distance, you really should try to make it down there. Otherwise, all the cool bloggers get to hit you with bricks!