Some interesting things I found here and there...
Blog of the Week: Comics Worth Reading is one of my first stops when I hit my RSS reader every evening after work. Put together by Johanna Draper Carlson "and friends", the blog provides reviews of everything from traditional superhero material to manga to new DVD releases. In addition, there are commentary pieces, a bit of industry peeking, and the odd interview. Reading this blog has been a large influence on how I put together Panel Patter and I consider it to be a model of how to run a good review blog.
Becky Cloonan has some cool sketches she made at the Emerald City con.
Brad Curran at Comics Should Be Good offers his take (along with a ton of comments by others) on the best creative duos in comics.
Now this is an example of word play!
Andrew Boscardin has a new jazz CD that's inspired by the work of Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko and others. That's a winning combination, even if I bet it sounds nothing like Greg Bendian's Interzone. He dedicates the album to Steve Gerber:
"Steve Gerber, to whom the whole CD is dedicated, passed away last year. He was a visionary writer for Marvel Comics in the '70s, just way ahead of his time in terms of the things he was trying to do with superhero comics back then. He would have fit in great now, but back then he was a bit of a misfit and an outcast—also because he was an early champion for the rights of creators, to own their own properties, and so he became very quickly a real outcast, a pariah, in the business."
Speaking of Jazz, check out these jazzy illustrations.
Here's a quick interview with writer J. Torres, who understandably lusts after Watchmen royalties.
Funny, I have the same side effects from my wife's chili....
Last but not least, in relation to the new, excellent Star Trek movie, here's someone's thoughts on various Star Trek comics.